Frequently asked questions

How is this different from other screening tools on the market?

When you screen a set of data, you are applying a series of filters in order to eliminate options that do not meet the criterion you have precisely defined. After several filters are applied, the result is a shorter list than you started with. None of the items in this reduced list are considered better or worse than the other. Decidere is much more than a series of filters, in fact, we discourage screening and filtering out data at all. Our proprietary weighting algorithm allows you to set preferences and apply significance to those preferences. The output is a ranked list of results with the best-fit option for you as number one. Simple filtering might have eliminated that option because it did not meet one criterion that wasn't highly significant to you in the first place. You have found the best fit for your profile with a comprehensive approach.

What is a "profile"?

A profile represents a unique collection of weights and filters applied to a particular dataset. To create a profile, navigate to the dashboard. The left side panel will show your available datasets. If you have none, you will need to purchase one or use from the dataset store. Give your profile a unique name as well as the version which should be initially used (these can be changed later). Once your profile is created, you can continue to the next step by clicking the EDIT button, which will bring you into the profile editor.

How do I edit a profile?

The profile editor displays a dropdown list of every column in the dataset. Toggling a column will reveal adjustable weight and filter inputs. For a profile to be runnable, parent weights must equal 100%. If a parent weight is set, its child weights must also equal 100%. Filters are useful for narrowing results to a specialized selection, but are not required to run profiles.

How do I analyze results?

When the run requirements are met for your profile, the run button will become enabled, allowing you to generate results with the Decidere algorithm. Results are ranked, ordered, and inserted into an interactive table according to your weight and filter criteria. From here, you can export your results into various downloadable formats, as well as perform advanced searches. If you need to tweak your profile, simply return to the editor area, make adjustments, and rerun.

Who owns the data?

The client organization owns their data. We do not resell or reuse the data in any way. We provide a means of utilizing your data in a more meaningful and insightful way.

I thought I was already weighting in my client's portfolio. Am I not?

This is a common misunderstanding we face, specifically when utilizing our algorithm in the Financial Services market. When you weight a client’s portfolio, you are allocating various investment types according to that clients preferences, risk tolerances, and goals: 15% high risk, 40% moderate mutual funds, 20% dividend growth target funds, etc. Decidere does not suggest otherwise. Decidere provide a means of selecting the best funds for each of those portfolio allocations by weighting the significance of performance and risk metrics for each fund objective or portfolio allocation segment.
